Successful Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulceration with Concomitant Hyperkeratotic Hpv Infection Using Microwave Technology

Patients with diabetes who develop ulcers are ultimately often at risk of lower extremity surgical amputation if the wound cannot be managed and healed.

In the UK in 2023, more than 4.3 million people were reported to live with diabetes, although this figure is likely under-representative as an estimated 850,000 people remain undiagnosed. Worldwide, about 463 million people are reportedly diagnosed with diabetes, equating to almost 10% of the population based on a 2019 valuation.

This case report describes a patient who faced amputation due to the development of bilateral ulcerated hyperkeratotic verruca on the plantar surface. Over the course of nearly 5 years, traditional management strategies failed to resolve the lesions however treatment of the verrucae with microwave energy resulted in full resolution and complete healing of the ulcers on both feet. These outcomes significantly changed the patient’s life and may offer a therapeutic approach for patients with similar, stubborn HPV infected hyperkeratosis.

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Tracy Davies, Colin Long


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